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ELIRE Aero partners with world leading hybrid propulsion technology providers Ampaire

As the world of aviation demands an urgent shift to clean energy, hybrid propulsion solutions are at the forefront. Pioneering and leading hybrid solutions is Ampaire, and with ELIRE Aero poised to supply eSTOL aircraft, both parties have partnered to offer clean propulsion options with a focus on RAM (regional air mobility).

Both companies are aligned in working towards the provision of clean energy aircraft to the market as soon as possible, using existing aircraft. Ampaire will partner with ELIRE Aero to provide the scope of works necessary to certify the existing airframes with their hybrid systems.

A recent report from McKinsey and Co. estimates the market for regional air mobility (RAM) could reach $115 billion by 2035. McKinsey define RAM as the transportation of passengers and goods by air over about 150 to 800 kilometers on five- to 50-passenger aircraft (or the equivalent size for cargo), primarily using smaller regional airports.

RAM brings together new aviation technologies and existing small airport infrastructure into a transportation model that is more equitable, more economical, and more environmentally friendly for air travel over short distances, in comparison to current solutions. If these changes materialise, the total addressable market (TAM) for small regional flights globally is estimated to reach $75 billion to $115 billion by 2035, representing 300 to 700 million passengers annually.

ELIRE Aero will remain energy source agnostic as an OEM offering standard engines in their hybrid, electric and hydrogen powered aircraft, while continuing to work towards the integration of further advanced technologies into the airframes in the future, following the demands of the market.

Group CEO of ELIRE Group and founder at ELIRE Aero, Luke Jenkinson, adds "In order for the aviation world to achieve targets of zero emission, there is a need for partnerships of like minded companies with the same ambitions. We are excited by the partnership with Ampaire, a proven leader over the past years with their advanced technologies and expert team, this collaboration and supply of hybrid engines allows us to be one of the first OEM's in the world to provide hybrid eSTOL aircraft to our clients globally".

CEO of Ampaire, Kevin Noertker, commented "To achieve the highest impact in rapidly deploying sustainable aviation solutions, it is crucial to meet OEMs and operators where they currently stand. This approach enables substantial enhancements on existing aircraft and routes, while also establishing the groundwork for a future of zero emissions. We see this collaboration with ELIRE as a meaningful opportunity to accelerate adoption of sustainable aviation solutions, and serve the expanding global Regional Air Mobility market."

About Ampaire Inc.

Los Angeles-based Ampaire was formed in 2016 with a mission to become the world's most trusted developer of practical, compelling electric aircraft. The company has developed a platform of hybrid electric and electric propulsion technologies applicable across numerous aircraft types. Upgrading existing aircraft to hybrid electric power is Ampaire’s rapid, capital efficient approach to making commercial electric air travel a reality with a viable technology. Learn more at

About ELIRE Aero Ltd.

A startup venture under the mother company ELIRE Group, the team at ELIRE Aero are positioning the OEM to become one of the first airframers in the world to offer real air taxi eSTOL (electric short take off & landing) solutions for both cargo and passengers using existing certified aircraft with type certified clean energy propulsion systems.


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